A cache that delegates all operations to DataEntryCaches, who are lazily loaded on register.
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Returns a DataEntryCache of the given type if its description was registered beforehand, null otherwise.
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Returns a DataEntryCache of the given T if its description was registered beforehand, null otherwise.
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Inserts all items into the cache. Inserting an entry with an id that is already present will cause the old value to be overwritten.
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open suspend fun register(vararg descriptions: DataDescription<out Any, out Any>): <Error class: unknown class>
open suspend fun register(descriptions: Iterable<DataDescription<out Any, out Any>>): <Error class: unknown class>
Registers the descriptions and preforms the necessary setup to use the type of these classes.
Registers a description and preforms the necessary setup to use the type of this class.
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Wraps this cache in a MetricsCache, enabling logging of metrics.