A builder containing predicates to filter data with.
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open fun <R : CharSequence> KProperty1<T, R>.contains(text: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)
Includes only values for which the given property contains the given text.
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open fun <R : CharSequence> KProperty1<T, R>.endsWith(postFix: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)
Includes only values for which the given property ends with the given postFix.
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Includes only values for which the given property is greater than the given value.
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Includes only values for which the given property is greater than or equal to the given value.
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Includes only values for which the given property is lesser than the given value.
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Includes only values for which the given property is lesser than or equal to the given value.
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open fun <R : CharSequence> KProperty1<T, R>.startsWith(prefix: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false)
Includes only values for which the given property starts with the given prefix.